
16 hours ago

Asia-Pacific Power List 2023: Susan Coghill, Tourism Australia

Coghill has steered Tourism Australia through its most challenging period in history while triumphantly returning to deliver, arguably, one of its most important campaigns ever.

2 days ago

Asia-Pacific Power List 2023: Yajuan Wang (Zhiheng), Red

National influencing app in China, under the leadership of Wang, is now building comprehensive products’ word-of-mouth marketing mechanism to tackle pain points for brands.

Sep 25, 2023

Cultural competency is critical to creative success in Asia

Whatever Hollywood may think, Asia is not a monolith. Rather, it's an incredibly complex region—home to 51 countries and over 2,300 languages. Mash's Rich Akers shares why what works for one Asian country may not work for another, and how brands can avoid partaking in what he terms as 'creative colonialism'.

Sep 4, 2023

Asia-Pacific Power List 2023: Sean O'Donnell, The Heineken Company

O'Donnell’s ability to follow data but allow creative freedom while holding firm to brand values and purpose has led to enormously entertaining and successful campaigns for brewers across APAC.

Aug 24, 2023

Asia-Pacific Power List 2023: Sabrina Cheung, AXA

Cheung’s impressive commitment to wellness and mental health in her marketing efforts is reaping rewards for the insurance giant in Asia and Africa.

Aug 21, 2023

Asia-Pacific Power List 2023: Saakshi Verma Menon, Kimberly-Clark

On a mission to break the taboo around menstrual health, Menon leads a disruptive campaign through #Periodofchange.