
Jun 12, 2022

How brands can grow omnichannel loyalty in a sophisticated online marketplace

The customer loyalty and engagement industry has seen significant evolutions in recent years.

Jul 29, 2021

Marriott International staggers global campaign release in APAC

How Marriott's regional CMO is adjusting campaign rollout plans to coincide with the reality of uneven post-pandemic revival.

Mar 23, 2021

The road to reality: A treatise about marketing delusions

THE AD CONTRARIAN: We spend 100% of our marketing energy and dollars on the largely ineffectual exercise of trying to control consumer behaviour, and 0% of our resources trying to cope with the realities of consumer behaviour.

Oct 16, 2020

Six takeaways from Forrester's predictions for CMOs in 2021

In a time of intense flux, sweeping changes could affect everything from purpose to customer loyalty and cause an existential crisis for CMOs.

Oct 22, 2019

Brands don't understand value of customer loyalty: Study

Far too often, loyalty is a tactic to drive relationships instead of being the foundation of the relationship itself."