
Sep 25, 2023

Cultural competency is critical to creative success in Asia

Whatever Hollywood may think, Asia is not a monolith. Rather, it's an incredibly complex region—home to 51 countries and over 2,300 languages. Mash's Rich Akers shares why what works for one Asian country may not work for another, and how brands can avoid partaking in what he terms as 'creative colonialism'.

Sep 4, 2023

Employees are being influenced by Gen Z colleagues to reexamine the workplace, study finds

Edelman’s latest Trust Barometer report found that Gen Z is shifting employees' perspectives on work-life boundaries, openness to new technology and self-advocacy.

Aug 24, 2023

New-stalgia: How 90s-founded Skechers is stepping into growth

As Skechers makes its debut foray on to the coveted Fortune 500 list, the brand's Southeast Asia managing director Zann Lee, shares the nuggets of insight, introspection and investments that got them there.

Apr 26, 2023

Agency culture benefits when leaders sweat the small stuff

Seemingly minor actions, such as being courteous, can set the tone for an inclusive working environment, but sharing personal anecdotes may need more consideration

Mar 16, 2023

Indonesian Gen Z seeks ‘me in we’

Brands need to ‘walk the talk’ or risk alienating the largest target group.